Tom’s Books

First in the To Touch the Sky trilogy –

Leslie lost her older sister and her sight to tragedy at the age of sixteen. Ten years have passed, yet Leslie still struggles daily with fear and depression, secluding herself from everyone except her father and a very small circle of close friends until she meets Owen, a workaholic Christian using his skills as a pilot in both his business and a missionary effort in the remote reaches of the Amazon. With the assistance of Owen’s office manager DeLois, Leslie discovers romance, but much more – a renewed faith in God – as she seeks physical healing and the inner strength and determination to conquer the most relentless of all adversaries – her own fears, personal self-doubts and insecurities.

Tragedy strikes once again as, while on her quest, Leslie is traveling with her father in his small plane and he becomes incapacitated. Overcome by a flood of swirling emotions, Leslie is left to keep the plane in the air, outrun a dangerous thunderstorm and, with Owen’s help by radio, attempt to successfully land the plane.

Coming projects of note…

At Last a Home – Book 2 of the To Touch the Sky series –

At the age of 42 Cassie is a woman with a sketchy past for whom everything has gone sour – again. In what seems a chance encounter she meets Mark, a retired Marine with an air-freight business and an enigmatic past of his own. Things begin to look up in ways Cassie might never have anticipated and she thinks she is finally satisfied with her life until Mark is hired for a special job and her life changes again. In ways unforeseen, Cassie is exposed to the power of God working in and through a shadowy international netherworld neither she nor it is ready for.

Megan’s Wings – Conclusion of the To Touch the Sky series –

Megan knows a lot about flying, but not much about living a fulfilled life until she meets Doug. Under unlikely circumstances Megan is forced to face her own mortality, acknowledge the power of God, and learn to rely upon Him to make all things right – even though she doesn’t know precisely how things will turn out as she learns to truly touch the sky.

Two for Justice – Book one of the Clover Valley Chronicles –

In the spring of 1877 Arizona Territorial Marshal Judd Bridger and his deputy Dave Drury are already known as The Preacher and The Deacon over “…some nasty business in New Mexico…” when they ride quietly into the small but fast-growing town of Clover Valley. With the aid of the widow Olivia Vantrice the pair upholds the law of God while enforcing the laws of the Arizona Territory, and together change the lives of upstanding citizens and law-breakers alike.

The Clocks of Hell – Book 2 of the Clover Valley Chronicles –

Benjamin Jefferson, an emancipated slave from New Orleans, is employed by his former master’s daughter Amelia Lanier and has become well-established in Clover Valley, Arizona when Confederate officer-turned-speculator Rand Honeycutt shows up in town with questionable motives. A ghost from Amelia’s past, Honeycutt is murdered and all evidence points to Benjamin as the killer – or does it? Territorial Marshal Judd Bridger and Deputy Dave Drury take on the defense and the prosecution in their relentless pursuit of the truth.

(as yet untitled) – Book 3 of the Clover Valley Chronicles

All is well in Clover Valley until a rogue cavalry colonel with visions of glory and the intent of inciting Native populations rides into the area. When cavalry troops murder three Native Americans who are attempting to aid a stagecoach of whites in distress, Judd Bridger and Dave Drury stand in the face of peril from all sides as they take on the formidable task of balancing justice with peace.

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